Posts in Life
Livin' La Vida Lockdown Day 48: Social Media Distancing

Lady Gaga said " social media is the toilet of the internet " and I have to agree. Just like anything we participate in - it is all about mindful consumption, keeping it real and having boundaries.

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Livin' La Vida Lockdown Day 38

For those around the world that are doing the same as me ( no not you Australia ) you well know that there is nothing quite like seeing the finishing line in sight and then they move it back another 10 000m - repeatedly. It is a mind-bender.

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Livin' La Vida Lockdown Day 23: When you can't go out - go in

To be with self - wholly and with no judgement is the only way to get through this somehow sane and intact. Everyone does it differently of course - some meditate - others pray - some chant - some process with words - or some, like me, do all of the above and more.

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Livin' La Vida Lockdown Day 22: Travel Plans

For a person that travels a fair bit (OK a lot) and spends large amounts of time in airports, on the move or bouncing from one place to the next - this has been the hardest thing to come to terms with by far. Staying the hell still. And this is being still on steroids.

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Livin' La Vida Lockdown Day 21: Beauty School Drop out

Women are now left staring at themselves. In all their unpolished glory and wondering - now what? Looks like we all have to just look into a mirror and start liking ourselves as is. We won’t have a choice.

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Livin' La Vida Lockdown Day 15: we are all April Fools

It's April Fools Day tomorrow and this is just a big joke yeh? Surely. I will wake up and be able to just go about my business. Shops will open - I will see people I know again - airports will operate - my life will resume. But it's not. It is not a joke.

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