Livin' La Vida Lockdown Day 15: we are all April Fools

So I had a day off from posting as I needed to get prepared for the next stage of this lockdown - the one where you keep saying it's April Fools Day tomorrow and this is just a big joke yeh? Surely. I will wake up and be able to just go about my business. Shops will open - I will see people I know again - airports will operate - my life will resume. But it's not. It is not a joke.

So as I write this I go into the next 14 days or more of a stay inside kind of lockdown. The one were you cant walk around outside at all unless you have to buy food or medicine. The one where you wave at the neighbour you don't know in the next building and you both start up a shouted conversation. The no contact deliveries, 1 person per car and 8am - 8pm opening for services kind of lockdown.

It is where the world is right now - I read somewhere that 40% of humanity is at home. So no one is truly alone in this. I always remind myself of that.

Today's gratitude journal was a tough one to write but I gave it a crack with my morning coffee - I highly recommend doing this as the world starts spinning out of your control (which it has and it will) - do this twice a day if you can:

Today I am grateful for:
- A balcony I can sit on, a big sky and a view
- Eagles are flying about in Penang of an afternoon and it's glorious to see them so close.
- It is so quiet you can hear birds in the city all day
- The people that check in on me on the daily - consistency is a thing and it is truly necessary and appreciated during these times.
- It's hot - seriously sweating buckets humid and not cold and drizzly (I hate the cold).
- All the creative, cool stuff being produced by my friends and people in lockdown around the world - so much music! So many projects being started. It's our time to shine.
- For my mates having truly twisted senses of humour that we share with abandon every day - I tell you laughs are the currency we need right now.
- That Curly and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary of the day we met yesterday - regardless of distance, curve balls, shitshows and pandemics shutting down our world - we remembered to honour it - somehow. It was no hot spring grotto in Ubud but it was something. Considering now we are in what we call - an 'incubationship' we did OK.
- Food is life: I am really happy with my enormous stockpile of super cheap fresh veg, fruit and supplies from the local market so I can keep cooking healthy food and eat well.
- Grabfood - OMG how do we live without this is in other parts of the world.
- WiFi I love you - you are life. Seriously.
- People reaching out to each other on the phone - old school is back! As someone that doesn't like texting I am loving all these phone chats.
- I am half way! 14 days in and I am still relatively sane. Just.
- My diary has a glorious, smiling sequinned alpaca on it with stubby, golden little legs - it makes me happy to look at it and reminds me to write everyday.

As the new month reveals a new reality for us all - let us remember everyone is doing this differently. You are not stuck at home - you are safe at home. So stay at home.
