International Women's Day 2020

Well, what a catastrofuck this year has been so far. Things have happened - things have changed. But my level of love for the women in my life has not changed. So what have I learnt since last time I wrote words on this auspicious day? A lot.

Anyone can be a princess - but a rare few are true queens. The women in my life wear their crowns proudly.

I learn most of my life lessons from them.

1. "The only way out is through" is basically all you need to know about life - that's it.

2. Levelling up and tackling the hardest parts of your life is a prerequisite to your progress as a human being - have people around you that support that growth.

3. When there is no other option and things are seriously uncomfortable - is usually when things change.

4. If you think your ass has been kicked enough - chances are its only the beginning of a new chapter and it may be a cracker! Have some faith.

5. Resilience is the part of you that comes out during said catastrofuck (you would be surprised how much resilience we all have in the tank). It's probably the most important emotional muscle you can develop as a woman.

6. Quiet time alone and bunkering down during a crisis is highly underrated and needs to be recognised as an Olympic sport.

7. In the end, your health and human connections are what keeps the rockiest boats afloat during all catastrofucks. Reach out to your tribe - they have your back.

8. Women listening and holding space for other women is probably the most powerful thing in the world right now - seriously - we need each other as the world goes to hell in a bloody handbasket.

9. No amount of massages, bubble baths, wellness coaching, cleanses, retreats or yoga classes will sort out your inner shit - that's an inside job - and the only way to inner peace, lasting change and acceptance - is to face it - all of it. Every last bit of it. Yes it sucks but just do it.

10. Investing in your own health, physically, mentally and emotionally is the best investment you will ever make - like ever.

11. Surround yourself with people that have your best interests at heart - you'll know who they are - they want you to be happy, true to self and healthy.

12. Stop feeling guilty about prioritising yourself - self-care is respecting your self worth and your own well being. There is no award at the end for putting everyone else first.

13. Before you offload on your friends - ask if they are in a good place themselves and do they have space for this right now - don't assume - everyone’s got their own shit to deal with in life. Something we all need to be reminded of - including me.

14. Have a place that is yours that you can always retreat to during the catastrofuck - a room, a house or a garden - a place that is your sacred space. Yours. Create it for yourself.

15. "Boundaries, boundaries - don't leave home without them". There is nothing wrong with saying no. You don't have to apologise or give an explanation every time.

16. Stop doing the emotional labour in your relationships. We are all adults in this game of life.

17. When it comes to friendships and connections - dedicate your energies where they are appreciated, exalted and respected. As a wise woman once said: "I got no time for fakers, flakers or takers".

18. Consistency = integrity. It's how you feel safe in your relationships and the world. People need that. Don’t accept less.

19. Give people a chance - before you judge them and write them off - everyone is doing their best. But always remember - no one knows what the hell they are doing. So we are all in the same boat in a catastrofuck.

20. Don't assume you know anyone's inner journey - this is when I say that thing again - be kind.

21. As another wise woman said "it's not about who you want to date anymore - it's about who you want to do the apocalypse with" - so choose wisely.

22. Walk your truth in whatever way that means to you. Show up as you - unapologetically every day. Ditch the masks.

23. Finally - compassion is majestic. But being compassionate towards your own self is learnt - and that my friends is the ultimate boss move.
