Livin' La Vida Lockdown Day 25

I am a big fan of this message and JEFF BROWN's work.

All you have to do right now is show up as you. That is all that is required. You don't have to be anything in particular right now - you are allowed to feel the entire gamut of your emotions - and that is a normal human way to process, respond and comprehend this time.

Denial won’t help you nor will numbing the hell out of your discomfort in a myriad of ways - sooner or later it will bubble to the surface and bite you on the ass.

Yes there are positives in all of this - but don't buy a one-way ticket on the toxic positivity train and only sit with the 'happy' passengers. Humans are more than that and this is why their infinite complexity is awesome. Take some time to sit with those passengers that may be struggling, need a kind word or some reassurance. That is community - that is holding space for another human and one of the good things about this time. Most of us are remembering how to be there for others.

Avoid the other mode of transportation - the emotional bypass which short cuts the feelings of discomfort in your self and others and takes you straight to denial. There is nothing to be learnt on that journey. Save yourself the drive. The view is barren.

What is the worst thing that can happen right now? You actually feel something beyond your comfort zone. That is actually the lesson here. And it may be the only lesson you get out of this.

We have officially lost liberties, safety and certainty (the illusion of). There is a lot to feel about that. And if anyone tells you otherwise - tell them to check in when this is all over and see if they still feel the same way.

As I have said for 25 days so far - no one is getting out of this unchanged. No one.
