International Women's Day

On International Women's Day I can only add this.
As a woman
1. you are only as good as your pit crew, your tribe, your inner circle of badass renegade chicks and queens
2. repeat after me: not being a mother ( or being a mother ) does not define every part of my identity - I am more than my reproductive self
3. give yourself the oxygen mask first - save yourself - no one's going to do it for you
4. you can't be everything to everyone, every day all day
5. life is hard enough without chicks pulling each other down and placing unrealistic expectations on each other - don't be mean - we are not 15 - and this is not reality TV
6. self-care is not a naughty word: check your boobies, eat your vegetables, do your squats, have lots and lots of safe (but deliciously dirty) sex 
7. I can honestly say red lipstick really does prepare you for anything
8. not having kids is often a choice - having them is also a choice - both choices have their pluses/minuses - don't assume one choice is better than the other - the end. 
9. I am not an accessory to a man - I am the whole damn outfit. 
10. you must try to still believe in love, respect and kindness - no matter how much horror you read about, or how many assholes you come across in life or how many tragedies you overcome. Now, more than ever we need to believe in the goodness of all humans. 
11. stop apologising for who you are...just stop it.
12. it is great to live life solo and it's also great to be in a healthy loving relationship - it's cool to have a house and it's equally cool to live in a tent - what's not great or cool is living a half-life or a lie. Focus on your truth, be present and grateful for what you do have, run your own race and don't compare or play the 'keep up' game. 
13. you simply must love your body - I mean really LOVE your body and for goddess sake woman - wear that bikini! 
