Beep, Beep the Good Karma Bus is coming your way

Good Karma - it’s a beautiful thing folks.

Whether it’s health, animal welfare, kiddie education, the environment or reducing poverty - there are so many ways to make a feel-good contribution and a difference in Bali.

Here are some ideas so you can pay it forward on your next visit to the island - prepare to be inspired and humbled in equal measure:

Yayasan Solemen Indonesia or ‘Solemen’ is one of the most trusted and dedicated humanitarian organisations on the island. The barefooted, dreadlocked founder Robert Epstone has earnt his Bali legend status. Solemen’s life-changing work is carried out in extreme environments and they handle the hardest cases, the heartbreakers. Follow them on social - their impact will inspire you to be a better human and propel you into action all at once. Yes, we love them for all that they do.

Image: Solemen

Image: Solemen

 Yayasan Bumi Sehat run by the renowned global campaigner and superhuman Ibu Robin Lim - Bumi Sehat provides health services, emergency care, disaster relief and childbirth education throughout the developing world - the main clinic is situated in Nyuh Kuning just behind Ubud’s Monkey Forest. There are many ways you can help. Get to it.

Image: Bumi Sehat - Ibu Robin Lim

Image: Bumi Sehat - Ibu Robin Lim

 Trash Hero has chapters all over the island - take part in a community clean-up at your nearest location. As we all say ‘tidak plastik’.  

Image: Trash Hero Indonesia

Image: Trash Hero Indonesia

 BAWA - Bali Animal Welfare Association and its sister organisation the Bali Street Dog Fund are the driving force behind fighting animal cruelty and disease in Bali. They have a 24/7 animal ambulance, provide rescue and adoption services and relocate animals during crisis. Do it for the poochies.

 The Smile Foundation (Yayasan Senyum) run the popular op shops ‘Smile Shop’ in Ubud and Sanur. Pick up a bargain at this expat favourite - all proceeds help children born with craniofacial disabilities. The before and afters are nothing short of miraculous.


 The John Fawcett Foundation runs mobile eye surgery clinics that have been curing blindness on the island since 1989. His legacy has helped people who had no chance of surgery - see the light of day again...cue the feels. 

“They are blind because they are poor. They are poor because they are blind. “

- John Fawcett”

Image: John Fawcett Foundation

Bali Kids Foundation (Yayasan Anak Anak Bali) was set up for Bali orphans and poverty affected children in acute medical crisis. The clinic opened in  2005 and assists over 800 children a month. They have a wish list  and drop off points around the island. You’re doing it for the kids.

 The Fair Warung Bale a feel-good meal in Ubud and a unique concept by The Fair Future Foundation - 100% of profits go to medical services but the people that serve and cook are all 14 - 22 yr old trainees that want to learn. 1 meal = 2 pediatric appointments for a disadvantaged human - you do the math.

Image: The Fair Future Foundation