Mind your manners Bali style - how to respect the locals

We all travel for different reasons but there is one fact that remains the same – when you travel anywhere you become a guest in another person’s country. You are a visitor in someone’s home. Every country has its own culture and traditions that need to be respected and preserved.

 In Bali simple signs of respect go a long way in honoring this unique culture.

Image: Fotini E Douglas

Image: Fotini E Douglas

  •  Unless you are at the beach, poolside or at a yoga class – cover up.

  • Riding scooters shirtless, in a bikini or in tiny shorts is considered highly disrespectful to the locals and you can also be pulled over by the Polisi and fined.

  • Be respectful in local villages:  this is not the place to walk around baring midriffs or without a shirt on, the locals may be smiling – but it is considered rude and inappropriate to bare all in their culture. Remember each village also has pecalang (security) that keep their eye on things.

Image: Fotini E Douglas

Image: Fotini E Douglas


  • PDA’s are not welcome:  keep the touchie – feelies, kissy- kissy for when you are somewhere more private.

  •  Hands off: use both hands when you are handing something to someone and never use your left hand to touch someone or give something. Always extend your hand with palm down – don’t use your index finger to point or gesture.

  • In Balinese culture the soul lives in a person’s head making this part of the body off limits. Touching people’s heads (this includes children) is a no go.  

Keep your cool: Losing your temper, raising your voice, pointing or being confrontational in any way are all considered extremely offensive behaviours in Bali.

  •  Temples are sacred:  Always remember these are holy sites. Just as you wouldn’t wear a bikini and strike a yoga pose in a church or a mosque – the same rules apply in temples.

  • Don’t walk in front of anyone praying.

  • Cover your shoulders, and legs to below the knees and wear a sarong and a sash.

  • And as much as you may not understand why – you are not to enter any temple if you’re menstruating or have an open wound.  

  • Shoes off before you enter a house or temple.

  •  Ceremony is part of Balinese daily life which means all processions get right of way. Do not honk your horn or interrupt. Be patient and enjoy the spectacle.

Image: Fotini E Douglas

Image: Fotini E Douglas


Selamat Jalan.