To mask or not to mask - there is no question.

To mask or not to mask - there is no question.

One thing I have found very surprising looking into and then arriving in Australia is - the sheer volume of energy people are currently expending arguing about wearing a mask. As someone who has worn one since mid-January ( because that's what responsible global citizens do ) - as someone who owns dozens of masks in every colour and style, who has PPE, waterproof and 3 ply and everything in between - I can honestly say - it is no big deal. Really. It keeps you alive. It is a no brainer. Just do it.

What has shocked me the most are the people who apparently love their fellow humans (or they did before this), you know the ones - all light and love for one another, connected to the universe, to the energies of all that is pure and right - yet they seem to suddenly have had a compassion and consideration bypass. They are about the collective when it suits them - but you see, collectives don't work like that - you also have to take one for the team.

There are so many voices spouting nonsense out there - dangerous half baked theories and strange diatribes based on complete fiction. So let me make this clear - this is not about a violation of your human rights or an erosion of your freedom of choice or an attack on your personal liberties (it is about your sense of privilege and entitlement though). This is about you being a human (albeit a profoundly stupid one) that exists in a bubble that is all about you and only you. This is also about you being a selfish toad during a global pandemic. Masks protect the vulnerable and keep humanity alive right now. Just wear one.

Look I don't really care if I am called a sheeple, I don't care if a cooked-on-mushies spiritual warrior in linen with feathers in their hair wants to tell me I am totally wrong (won't be the first time or the last ). Or that they have to be right because a Youtube video and some dubious conspiracy theory told them so - it does not matter to me what they think. Not one bit. You see, I have lived in Ubud baby - I have seen it all - every single weird-ass theory humanly imaginable and then some.

Your theories don't scare me - your inability to use science, common sense, decency and reason do.

Someone also asked me recently are masks political statements? My answer: absofuckinglutely. For many reasons but mainly because I believe it is how you become part of the greater good and have a simple yet powerful impact on your immediate community. So yes it can be viewed through the lens of the political. If it creates change it is political. If it creates debate its political. But political or not - wear a mask.

For me having a contract with the human race means you participate, you care, you show empathy towards the vulnerable. You are part of something bigger than you and it is called 'the world'. I love my world and so should you. Do your bit. If you truly care about your community you exist and contribute within it as a decent and honourable person. Wear the mask.

We ALL need to participate within a bigger picture right now and wearing a mask should be a badge of honour - it means you care about other human beings on Earth beyond yourself.

- For those who I know and love with compromised immunity including of course HIV - I wear my mask for you.

- For the babies being incubated in bellies - I wear my mask for the human carrying you into this crazy world and for you - little belly bean.

- For my elderly parents and their friends and all the kakek-nenek - I wear my mask for the old, the weak and the vulnerable.

- For anyone that is immunodeficient due to malnourishment - and that is a hell of a lot of people in our world right now - I wear my mask for you.

- For those going through chemo - like life isn't hard enough right now - I wear my mask for you too.

And so should you.

There are enough battles to fight in this world - this is not one of them. Just wear a mask.

If you want to mask up for the greater good and because I truly love to support my tribe - you can shop here:

* If you are in Australia: Couturier, Melbourne fashion darling and just an all-round sweetie Craig Braybrook has just launched the super chic HOT FACE MASKS Order at


* Far Kew has an entire Far Kew COVID range including some perfectly stylish yet also perfectly offensive masks at her emporium

* If you are in the USA masks2help was created out of the need to help NYC stay safe and find a way to give back during COVID-19. A percentage of all sales will be given back to various charities supporting the fight against COVID-19 in the beautiful Big Apple. Thank you for being you Alexia Crawford

