I Arrived with One Suitcase Exhibition - Head On Photo Festival

Stories and meaning - are what we all seek out to understand ourselves, our place in the world, how we fit, why we are who we are and how it all came into being. The story isn't always a good one - and yet they are often the stories that must be told.

I am very proud to say that my sister, Julijana Griffiths latest exhibition is part of the Head On Photo Festival in Sydney. She has delved into our family history and tells our mother's story. It is the story that helped define us as children and daughters. It is the story that sat in the shadows untold for so long. It is the story of our parents, my mother Sophia and the journey that brought us into being. Julijana has cast light into our families shadows and created a journey through time. For that, I thank her and honour her bravery.

For those of you in Sydney - Julijana welcomes you to:
9 May - 31 May

WHERE: Maunsell Wickes-Gallery -19 Glenmore Road, Paddington 2021

Come and share our mother Sophia's journey as part of Head On Photo Festival.

Images: Julijana Griffiths Photography


“The Journey ” 79 x 56cm 2019 -copyright: Julijana Griffiths Photography