2018 in a coconut shell

2018: From Bali, Borobudur, Bangkok and beyond. By all accounts, my life is one long holiday. 🤣 Hardly. My highly curated social media feed, like most, only tells part of the story. I can honestly say it was a year that was not for the faint-hearted. No doubt about it - this year has been shitful and epic in equal measure. The things FB and social media doesn't show:

✅ I have spent more time alone in airports than at home some weeks.
✅ Friends and family have come and gone and with some, I shut the door as they departed. 
✅ So many amazing eats were had that were often enjoyed solo.
✅ I missed the dog and Curly every day. Long distance is hard work. Anyone that says otherwise is lying.
✅ I met some of the best people I will ever know and can still say I surround myself with some of the most kick-ass humans on the planet. 
✅ I learnt the art of living alone again, cooking for one - doing my thing (when in doubt - retreat, regroup and rebuild).
✅ some choice tummy bugs were had and a few weird tropical ailments. 
✅ I learnt again that some traditional therapies will bring you to your knees. And that happens for a reason.
✅ I missed out on some of the big stuff - like my sister's graduation exhibition. It made me sad.
✅ I had an address in the same street for a year (that's a record for me lately) and yet I still don't own or want a TV. 😂🙌
✅ I remained a gin-swilling carnivore in the vegan heartland and still have some friends left.

Throw a volcano and earthquakes into the mix then add some hefty deadlines and solitude - I had no choice but to grow and surrender to whatever would be. With that came an unwavering sense that I am exactly where I needed to be. Monkey town in all its glory opened up its arms to me yet again and let me do what I came here to do.

I don't have a home in the conventional sense - and haven't for a long time - this is as close as it gets for me - and for that I am grateful. 
2019 - you are going to be one hell of a ride - I can feel it!